Find Freedom from Your Struggle
with Food and Your Body
Food and Body Therapy in Seattle & Online
Imagine getting off the weight roller coaster for good…
You’ve been on and off diets or “lifestyle plans” since… well… since you can remember.
Thinking about food and controlling your body size have been dominant themes in your life. You’ve ridden the weight roller coaster up and down and are frustrated at your body for not conforming to your wishes.
Imagine no longer waiting on your weight to start living your life…
Worries about food and body cast a dark cloud over social events, vacations, romance, and being photographed, to name a few.
You’re exhausted. And dejected that your constant pursuit of clean eating, avid exercise, and controlling calories hasn’t delivered on the perfect body, or happy, confident life you have been promised. Perhaps you feel as if you’re half-living, putting off new experiences until you are thinner.
Imagine lifting the heavy cloak of body shame…
You feel anxious going to the doctor, or to family gatherings, wondering what they will think of you. You’re on edge anticipating the fiery burn of shame that follows comments about your body or your eating, perhaps out of “concern for your health.”
You care about your health and feel tremendous pressure that your health depends on your ability to control your weight.
You have put forth tremendous effort. Yet you feel as if you’ve failed and wish for more willpower or self-control. And here is the truth, beautiful human…
The diets failed you. Repeatedly. And they have eroded your physical, mental, and emotional health in the process.
Perhaps attempting to control your body through food and exercise has failed you so terribly that it pulled you deep into the murky and debilitating waters of an eating disorder.
Imagine kicking food obsession and fear to the curb, and rediscovering pleasure from food…
The answer to finding the freedom, confidence, and good health you seek is not to eat less and exercise more. The answer is not to try harder or try again with a new set of rules and strengthened resolve.
The answer lies in the journey inward. It’s time. To let go of restrictive eating. To rediscover pleasure from food. To learn to trust and respect your body. To be at peace.
This is a total paradigm shift. Know that I will help you navigate the unknown territory ahead. If you are feeling both terrified and excited, with a dash of skepticism, that sounds about right!
This is your path to freedom, good health, and a life well-lived. Call me at (802) 695-0535 to explore getting started or schedule a free discovery call. Learn more about Food+Body Therapy.
As a anti-diet registered dietitian, I am passionate about helping people break free from restrictive eating patterns and body shame, clearing space to rediscover pleasure and flexibility with food, and create a deeply nourishing life.
I’m also excited to be building a team of anti-diet dietitians to expand our reach in providing compassionate, weight-inclusive care. We provide you with tools and guidance to eat in a flexible way that nourishes and sustains your body and mind, rather than letting food control your day.
Together, we’ll work toward healing your relationship with food and your body so that you can take your life off pause and finally be free to live your most vibrant life!